Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Wild and Free // Outdoor Adventuring...

"They are much to be pitied who have not been given a taste for nature early in life"
- Jane Austen -

I don't know when it'll stop surprising me, early spring. Every year, my children's enthusiasm for the great outdoors, after the long, cold winter, catches me by surprise. Jackets are thrown off, woolly hats disbanded, and nature's giant playground explored with reckless abandon...

Everything is to be touched, smelt, breathed in... Dewy grass, fresh buds, hardened bark, ice-cold lake water... A feast for the senses! Ava's joy was contagious... She was literally beaming with enthusiasm... Every tree beckoned her to be climbed, rocks were scaled, puddles jumped in, walls walked along, water splashed in, grass lain in. Nothing was untouched.

She came alive in the great outdoors... And I couldn't help myself... Her joy was utterly contagious and I soon found myself exploring right alongside my enthusiastic four-year-old.
There was so much wonder.

Just so much wonder.... Joy... Delight...

And I was drawn to meditate on that verse in Isaiah 55; and just how true it is...

"You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the fields will clap their hands"
Isaiah 55:12 - The Bible

Springtime revels in joy... it does feel like every bird, plant, tree is partaking in some huge celebration as life vibrantly and determinedly pushes through the winter emptiness... and it rubs off... particularly, it seems, on little people...

They see that life bursting through, and it seems to give them a new lease of life, and joy, and energy, themselves!

Oh how thankful I am that creation sometimes whispers the truth of the Creator in thoughtful and reflective moments...

And sometimes nature sings the song of the Creator loud and clear!

Joining in with...

 Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall 

1 comment:

  1. Can see the kids are enjoying outdoor life! Come to Norway! They would be skiing and throwing snowballs at each other!!😀


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